Dear Basil & Sabine:
Guess what?!? Daddy bought a new car! Now typically there are those who might see that as some sort of narcissistic, internet boast. HEY, HEY, HEY, look at me everyone - I have something shiny, new and tangible over here that makes me look and feel better about myself. Well, this ain't it. Not by a long shot. See, if I had made this declaration with the last vehicle I purchased then I would unequivocally say, hell yes, it IS an internet boast. I really thought I had arrived with that monstrosity of a gas guzzling, SUV. Arrived where? I have no clue; I know I arrived at the service department so often I developed a Stockholm syndrome-like friendship with my service rep(Hi Brandi Sensenig!!). Sooo, this is why I am now picking you up and dropping you off places in a "sporty" hatchback with a stick in the middle of the car and three pedals at my feet. The deluxe, Galaxy 3000, monstrosity will sit in the driveway and become a nice thing to look at for the foreseeable future.
Girls, I don't quite enjoy new cars the same way I used to. Primarily because I guess I have arrived at that pivotal point in life called maturity and understanding. I've matured into someone who realizes driving a Land Rover doesn't grant you access to jack, but your checking account however does. And, having owned a Land Rover I now clearly understand what happened to my checking account. It only took 43 years to arrive at that cognitive awakening, how about that?! I'm excited that by the time Daddy is 50 I just might have life by the balls.
I would apologize to you both about the sudden lack of leg room in the rear of the vehicle, but quite frankly with this whole maturity and understanding thing comes a truckload of "i don't really give a shit." I'm not saying I don't give a shit about you girls, I love you quite deeply actually. I mean, you're honestly 99% of the reason I choose to keep letting air into my lungs. The other 1% shifts between casting a vote in the upcoming Presidential election and Powerball. I digress. No see, what I mean is, the car is a nice to have but it isn't a must have. My peaceful existence in life doesn't revolve around the presence, cleanliness and namebrand of this tool. We'll all be ok motoring around town with a little less size and space as we go from A to B. It's just not that serious.
Furthermore, I'm not even going to lose my mind over food in the car. I'm not saying I want you all to make a pizza back there, but snacks are allowed. Heck, you can hold juice and water bottles with one hand if you like. Go hard in the paint. Just clean up as you go, help Daddy out a little bit. With a little luck, care and concern, this could one day be yours!!!!